Purchase from a B&M? For Me, Only Under Certain Circumstances

When I peruse online cigar forums, I occasionally see posts from people showing off their B&M hauls. And when I say “haul,” it means at least 5 sticks. When I see those posts, I wonder why they’d buy retail when those same sticks can be purchased much less expensively online.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that some hard-to-get sticks like AF Rare Pink are hard to get online and B&Ms are the ones that carry them. But I’m talking more about the high production stuff like Oliva Vs. For instance, I saw a post a while back where a guy had purchased several Oliva V Melanio Maduro sticks from his local B&M. Those are $27.95 each at the lounge I occasionally go to but you can get a box of 10 of these for less than $70 online. The retail markup is enormous.

That said, I occasionally go to a couple of different lounges, but I will buy sticks I’ve never had, even if I know I can get them cheaper online. But I won’t get a bunch. I’ll usually only buy one or two to smoke while I’m there, then if I like them, I’ll order a bunch online. It’s a great way of discovering new sticks. I did that with the Tatuaje Black. And of course, there is the social angle. And I’m willing to pay for a couple of sticks at a lounge when I’m sitting with friends. But usually, we bring our own sticks to share.

But to buy whole boxes or a bunch of sticks at retail? I just can’t do it. I’m willing to wait several days for a shipment than pay retail. And the primary reason is that I smoke two or three cigars daily so paying retail is out of the question. It would make the whole hobby way too expensive.

Published by GoofyDawg

Brendan "GoofyDawg" Delumpa is just a regular guy who has five passions in life: Guitar, Bread, Golf, Wine, and Whiskey. These are passions outside my work life as a technology executive.

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